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Waves by Daniel Palacios

Waves is a wonderful installation created by Daniel Palacios. Using just a piece of elastic string, spun around by two electro motors, the most wonderful waveforms are shown, from simple sine wave patterns to complex smoke-like images, moving lines woven together, floating in the air:

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Five Sound Questions to Sam Hamilton

What if you have heard all the sounds of your own country and you are longing for something new? You could take a trip to the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, Colombia and Peru to discover a completely new sonic environment.
That is what Sam Hamilton, sound artist, field recordist and musician from Auckland, New Zealand, did. Sam is currently working on the release of a new solo vinyl LP called “PALA”, which will be released in June.
For a complete list of tour dates and more information on his work, visit:
1. What sound from your childhood made the most impression on you?
Listening to the radio with my dad. Every Sunday morning he’d tune into BFM radio while we potter round the house, listening to the kids show, then the BFM comedy show (having Stephen Wrights mono tonal one-liners and Bill Hicks whiny scathing sarcasm deeply ingrained into my psyche from a young age), and then into the BFM jazz show.

I fondly remember driving around with my dad from the city into the country at nights falling asleep to the purring of the engine, listening to him cast sleepy spells on me with stories of dinosaurs and magic vegetables. Then there was the ecstatic joy obtained from running up and down screaming my lungs out in the high ceiling, wooden floored hallway of echoes.

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Oscillare; An Interactive Dawn

Almost a year ago I posted a work-in-progress video of Oscillare as it was presented at last years Sonar festival. Oscar Sol from Electronic Performers, the creators of this project was so kind to send me an update about the completion of the project and as we can see in the video, it has become an impressive piece of work. 

Oscillare; An Interactive Dawn is an interactive multimedia dance performance. Four accelerometers, a gyroscope and a wireless video camera capture the movements of the dancer, which are used to generate and influence the sound and images on the screen. 

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The Mystery Of Grey Matters: a Polyalbum

I normally do not write album reviews on Everyday Listening, but this is a special case. It is not an album, it is a Polyalbum. A what? Well, to be honest, until I heard about this project I had no idea what that word meant. It is an album consisting of three discs. The first and the second can be played apart from each other, but the work comes together when they are played simultaneously. The third disk is for lazy people or people with only one CD player and contains a pre-mixed version of disks one and two. 

The Mystery Of Grey Matters is a project by Charlie McCarron. It tells the story of Gregory (Grey) Matters, who is suffering from strange hallucinations. He starts living in two separate worlds, almost without being able to tell which one is real and which one is dreamt. People start to think he is going crazy. The polyalbum allows us to listen to these two worlds separately, or combined.

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Green Sound Soundwave Festival San Francisco

Inflorescence 2010 sound and performance installation - June 17, Soundwave Festival

The Soundwave Festival, organized every two years by ME’DE.ATE will have the theme ‘Green Sound’ this year and will take place from June 6 till August 13, 2010 in San Francisco. The festival combines sound art and sound installations with innovative performances, experimental, classical and popular music. 

With the Greeen Sound theme the festival will explore the natural world and environmental issues, together with over 75 artists and musicians. Looking at the list of artists it is nice to see Alyce Santoro, who was one of the first to answer the Five Sound Questions, is one of them. 

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Five Sound Questions to Karl Kliem

Video and sound artist Karl Kliem from Germany is next in the ongoing Five Sound Questions series. On Everyday Listening we have seen his great sound and light installation Minus 60°
Karl also is a founding member of Frankfurt based media lab MESO. To read more about Karl Kliem and his work and watch some of his videos, visit his website at
1. What sound from your childhood made the most impression on you?
There are three sounds that come to mind. One is the sound of my mother, plugging in the flatiron on the other side of the wall where I was lying in my bed and waking up from that. I still have it very present in my ears, although I didn’t hear the sound for about thirty five years. It was a sound of safety and protection, because I knew my mother was there.
Then there was the deafening sound of the exhaust of our Massey Ferguson 135, sitting next to my father on the tractor, driving without a top. And also the sound of the the old egg grading machine that closely resembled the beat of “We Will Rock You”.

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Another Sound: Midlake

The second edition of Another Sound on Anothersomething is now online. This time I wrote a little piece about Midlake. I recently visited one of their live shows, but I already fell in love with their music quite some time ago. Click through to read the whole story on Anothersomething: Another Sound - Midlake.

It is great to have the opportunity to write for Anothersomething. On Everyday Listening I like to still my hunger for innovative, thought provoking or just inspiring sound-related projects, but it is fun to write about music in a different way as well. A big thank you to Joachim for this!

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Heart Chamber Orchestra

This is another great project with the human body as main element. The music of the Heart Chamber Orchestra literally comes “from the heart”. The heartbeats of the musicians control the composition as well as the visuals accompanying the music. The orchestra consists of 12 classical musicians and the artist duo Terminalbeach.

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Fabric Machine Plays Fabric Like a Tape

There is something fascinating about playing the sounds of seemingly unplayable things. We have seen how in Harvest by Olle Cornéer and Martin Lübcke the soil gets played like a record, with a huge needle. In Fabric Machine we can listen to the sound of fabric, being played like a tape. 

The machine, created by Kathrin Stumreich in Vienna, plays multiple loops of fabric. Light sensors are used to generate the sounds and the quality and density of the cloth determine the pitch and the rhythm of the sound. So for example, the number of threads interrupting the light per second determine the pitch of the sound. 

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Urban Devas

On your work from home to work you are suddenly surprised by a “roving chorus of 10 women dressed in high visibility clothing and carrying megaphones”, singing strange songs and moving around the unsuspecting passers-by. 

That is what happens when you encounter Urban Devas, a project by New Zealand’s sonic artist Phil Dadson in collaboration with choreographer Carol Brown. This guerilla performance was created for Living Room 2010 - “A Week of Goodness”, in Auckland. I would love to be surprised by their voices.