Subscribe to the Everyday Listening Newsletter

You might have noticed the new field in the right sidebar of Everyday Listening labeled Monthly Newsletter, where you can fill in and submit your email address.
As the name suggests, here you can subscribe to the new Everyday Listening Newsletter which I will be sending out once a month. In the newsletter you will find the highlights of the month, a selection of featured posts and other news about the site. So in case you do not have the time to visit us every day, you will never miss the most interesting stuff.
I am starting this as an experiment to find out if people like a service like this. I think it is a good way to encourage readers to stay in touch. Later on I might change the frequency of the newsletters, but I will announce this beforehand, and I promise I will never give away or sell your email addresses to anyone else. I hate spam just as much as you do!
As easy as it is to subscribe to the newsletter (just enter you email address and confirm by clicking the link in the email sent to you), if you decide you rather check the website manually now and then or you prefer using an RSS subscription, it is just as easy to unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.
So I hereby invite you to subscribe to the new newsletter, to stay in touch, and tell me what you think!
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