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"Silence, Please"

Some sounds border on silence. They are unnoticed, ignored, but gently surround us every day. There is no complete silence in our world, even in our quietest moments. That is what "Silence, Please" illustrates.

Chris Kubick created a catalog of these sounds. He codified these sounds in the form of text (wrote them out on transparencies), thus creating a silent 'sound installation'. This catalog "attempts to represent peace, tranquility, emptiness".

If this installation just makes visitors more aware of the sounds around them, it already serves its purpose, in my opinion.

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Reader Comments (2)


In general, people don't pay too attention to sound in it's REAL way, neither understand music as an ordering of sound.

That's way i agree with the final paragraph you wrote.

João Menezes

January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoão Menezes

Thank you João! I think you are absolutely right. And somehow it feels like evangelism is one of the key tasks for us who are aware of its power.

January 31, 2010 | Registered Commenteradmin

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